Nourishing Beach Hair Spray

I’ve already posted my basic beach hair spray but I had promised I would post my new and improved recipe when it was done being battle tested.  This new recipe incorporates the old beach hair spray and the new flaxseed hair gel I just posted on.  I truly think this recipe is much more moisturizing for the hair and gives a softer, beachy look to your waves.  I absolutely love the effect it’s had on my hair…just like I’m on a beach vacation!



  • 1 cup boiled or distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons epsom salts
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (I used Redmond Real Salt)
  • 1/2 tablespoon flaxseed gel
  • 1/2 tablespoon aleo vera gel (from a fresh leaf or store bought)
  • 5-8 drops essential oil of choice (optional but gives a great scent)


1. Heat your cup of water.

2. Pour the cup of water in a jar or bowl and add both types of salt.

3. Shake or stir to dissolve the salts entirely.

4. When room temperature, add the flaxseed gel and the aloe vera gel.

5. Shake or stir the mixture until entirely combined.

6.  Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth to get rid of the aloe vera bits and salt bits.

7.  Add the essential oils, if using, and stir.

8.  Decant into spray bottle and shake before use.

This beach hair spray can be used on wet or dry hair.  I use it on wet hair to get beachy waves or I spray it on dry hair when I want mega-volume!

2 replies

  1. I saw your post for this on Instagram last night, just after I got done taking notes from Liz Wolfe’s purely primal skincare guide, and perusing through primal life organics sea salt sprays. I want to clean up my beauty routine now that I’ve spent a year and a half cleaning up my diet. I’m nervous because I have super dry unruly curls that I’ve always had to use commercial gels on to control. I’m hoping that switching to a natural washing and styling regimen will bring back some natural moisture and shine to my curls. (After an awkward adjustment period I’m sure!). I’m definitely going to give your sea salt spray and flaxseed gel a try as it seems pretty simple to make and much more cost effective than buying premade. Any advice? Thanks for all the great info you share!! Your Instagram and blog are one of my favorites!! 🙂

    • Thanks so much for saying that! I’m so glad you’re enjoying them 🙂 And it’s great that you decided to make them switch, I think it’s such an important pieces of the health equation, along with diet!

      I do have a couple ideas for you. The first one can be a little painful but I think it cuts waaaayyyy down on the transition period, and I learned the hard way! I recommend starting the process with entirely clarifying the hair to get rid of all build up, chemicals, etc. This does a few things: makes it possible for homemade products to penetrate better, doesn’t leave gunk on the hair that the natural products can’t handle well (that’s most commonly the cause of a gross transition period!), and let’s you see what your hair’s natural state is right now (this is the part that can be painful! We all put our hair through so much). I use Neutrogena Anti-Residue shampoo for this. When I did this, the transition period was a breeze. Even when my hair was doing stuff like over-compensating with oil production when I stopped stripping off the scalp with harsh products, all I had to do was wash a little more often. But I wasn’t dealing with lanky-ness, flatness, and all that at the same time.

      The other thing it sounds like would work for you would be to use oils as serums. Unfortunately, the oils that work best for people’s hair vary widely so it may be a bit of experimenting before you get it right. I personally love castor oil for a hair serum (recipe coming out soon!) but I also love argan oil. I know lots of ladies use coconut oil and almond oil as well though. The key with using it to calm dry curls though is to use a TINY amount at a time. Your hairs should just have a sheen on them when you tilt them to the light. You can always add more but it’s hard to go back. Getting oil out is better with an egg shampoo (I have two recipes on the site) or the clarifying shampoo works well too here. A lot of people use the LOC method for dry hair, so maybe try Googling that. After you’ve used the oils, I think finishing up with the spray and/or the gel will be great.

      Hope this all helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if anything else comes up. It’s an adventure to DIY and experiment with natural products 🙂 But so, so fun!

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